
Take Responsibility!

As a father, if your child sells your properties while you are still alive, runs away from home and carelessly squander the inheritance on youthful exuberance, will you be able to forgive or welcome back such a child with open arms?

The Parable of the Prodigal Son

In the gospel of Luke, a son asked his father for his inheritance, and then squandered it recklessly on frivolities and living a life of indulgence.

When nothing was left of his fortune, he was forced to work as a hired hand for a pig farmer. He was so destitute that he longed to eat the food of the pigs but NO ONE gave him to eat. When he finally realized that even his father’s servants have better working and living conditions, he resolved to return to his father, beg for forgiveness, and ask to be his servant – Luke 15:17,18.

However, upon arriving at his father’s house, he was welcomed with loving arms. His father was overwhelmed with joy at his son’s return and held a feast in his honor.

The Love of God the Father

The story of the prodigal son is a picture of God’s love for us as His children. God’s love does not depend on our faithfulness; it is unconditional. He loved us while we were still sinners. Though we are demanding and do not remain faithful, God is still our faithful and loving Father – Psalm 86:15.

Trying to find lasting love outside God is like trying to quench your thirst by drinking from an empty cup—you can go through the motions, but the thirst will remain.

His pure love moves across time and space, reaches down, and can pull you up from the depths of any tumultuous sea of darkness, sin, sorrow, death, or despair you may find yourself in. When you surrender yourself to God, He will envelop you in His love and bring you into the light of His love that will produce progress and stability in your life  – Isa 54:10.

God wants you to extend His love

If you have five million Naira (N5, 000,000) and misplace ten Naira (N10) out of it, will you search the whole house, empty all your bags, comb the nook and cranny of your belongings in the search for the missing money?

The answer will probably be a big NO. Ten Naira is not such a big deal enough to alter your daily activities in search of it – Like 15:8-10

God doesn’t operate that way. He is concerned about every soul, including the lost ones who are living in the valley of indecision. This is why you must share His love to those that are hurting, unsaved, or lost in the wilderness of life around you – Luke 19:10, Luke 15:4.

The ministry of reconciliation is your responsibility!

I will see you at the TOP!!!

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