
Intentional Parenting is Possible!!!

Some time ago, my friend’s 15 years old son asked him for an excursion fee to go to Olumo rock with his classmates.

My friend asked his son to pray to God to provide the money. If God answers his prayers and provides the money, he will have his request granted. If God does not provide, there is nothing Daddy can do about the excursion.

Two days later, the boy asked his father if God has provided…

He replied that the boy should pray harder.

A day before the deadline for the payment of the excursion, my friend met his son praying to God to provide for his Daddy so his excursion fee can be paid.

While he was still praying, my friend touched his son on the shoulders and said God has answered his prayers. The next day, the excursion fee was paid and the boy was very happy.

From that day onwards, anytime there is a need, he will say Daddy…I have asked God to provide money for you and Mummy.

As a parent, the greatest legacy that you can leave for your children is the knowledge of God. In fact, your greatest assignment on the surface of the earth is to show your children the path of God and help them to know God for themselves.

Parenting is not just about providing a house, food, and the material needs of children. Parenting is more about modeling the right values to them than provision.

“I will not allow my children to suffer what I suffered as a child” is one statement that has unknowingly destroyed the destiny of many children. The children do not have any reason to trust God for anything because Daddy and Mummy will provide all that is needed without them lifting a finger or breaking a sweat.

Your children are watching

Intentionally show your children how God has brought you to the level that you are today so that they will understand that life is a process and not a quick fix scheme that fell upon you from the sky.

Don’t only show them the evidences of grace and the beautiful things God has provided. Point them to the provider of grace.

Let them know that God is the secret to your success and not your hard work, smart work, or level of righteousness. With time they will understand that every life built on sound principles and the knowledge of God becomes great while the ones established on greed or material things are bound to fail.

If you don’t show your children your God, outsiders will show them their gods. If their friends worship a stone, don’t be surprised when your children are bowing down to stones because you have not taught them that stones are not to be worshipped but used only for their beneficial purpose in the construction industry – Deuteronomy 6:6-7.

Your children need to build spiritual stamina and not lean on you for every spiritual need. Teach them to cultivate a deep relationship with God – 3 John 1:4.

Discipline them when they go wrong. Take a stern stand on the right things and insist that they follow in your footsteps. Discipline and correction can never go out of fashion or be outdated – Proverbs 22:15.

While you also take a stern stand on certain things, you must create liberty. The best place that your children can express themselves is at home and with you. Build the confidence of your children and let them know that you are the best friend they can have. This will go a long way toward securing their future because they are likely to communicate with you when they are about to make those choices that can destroy their future – Colossians 3:21.

If you have an erring child, don’t give up.

Don’t develop high blood pressure. Speak your expectations out to God and continually declare positive things over your seeds instead of complaining and grieving. God is listening – Phillipians 1:6.

I pray that your children will give you rest in Jesus Mighty Name. God bless you.

I will see you at the TOP!!!

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